The Public Has A Right To Know
My name is Victor G. Jackson.
For over thirty-five years I have collected
information regarding persons involved in terrorist networks.
These individuals meet the FBI definition for terrorist. One is a family member.
I want my information presented to the public in a safe environment.
Witnesses will need physical protection, certain businesses, and institutions may
also need to protect themselves from public hysteria.
Probably a court-of-law would be the best venue for all parties concerned.
I'm asking here for public participation -- comments, and legal advice.
Financial contributions are appreciated, though not required.
I have very specific names that I'll share with serious investigators only.
Reading list:
- The Power of Reason
autobiography of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
ISBN: 0-933488-01-7
- "Lyndon LaRouche's Raid on Democracy"
by, Eugene H. Methvin
Reader's Digest, August, 1996
- But Deliver Us From Evil
author, John Richards
ISBN: 0232512507
Definitions of Terror:
The following paragraphs were found at:
"In a nutshell, [terrorism] is the threat and use of both psychological
and physical force in violation of international law, by state and
sub-state agencies for strategic and political goals,"
says Yonah Alexander, a terrorism expert and director of
the Institute for Studies in International Terrorism at the State University of New York.
The FBI looks to the Code of Federal Regulations definition:
"The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property
to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof,
in furtherance of political or social objectives."
Thank you,
Victor G. Jackson