I have personal knowledge of terrorist individuals and networks. This is a request for public participation -- witnesses need to be protected, and I need legal advice. I am not a lawyer. Contact me, I need your ideas. Thank you.
The Public Has A Right To Know
Published on December 30, 2003 By Victor Jackson In Current Events
The Public Has A Right To Know

My name is Victor G. Jackson.
For over thirty-five years I have collected
information regarding persons involved in terrorist networks.

These individuals meet the FBI definition for terrorist. One is a family member.

I want my information presented to the public in a safe environment.
Witnesses will need physical protection, certain businesses, and institutions may
also need to protect themselves from public hysteria.

Probably a court-of-law would be the best venue for all parties concerned.

I'm asking here for public participation -- comments, and legal advice.
Financial contributions are appreciated, though not required.

I have very specific names that I'll share with serious investigators only.

Reading list:

  • The Power of Reason
    autobiography of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
    ISBN: 0-933488-01-7

  • "Lyndon LaRouche's Raid on Democracy"
    by, Eugene H. Methvin
    Reader's Digest, August, 1996

  • But Deliver Us From Evil
    author, John Richards
    ISBN: 0232512507

Definitions of Terror:

The following paragraphs were found at: http://abcnews.go.com/definingterror.htm

"In a nutshell, [terrorism] is the threat and use of both psychological
and physical force in violation of international law, by state and
sub-state agencies for strategic and political goals,"
says Yonah Alexander, a terrorism expert and director of
the Institute for Studies in International Terrorism at the State University of New York.

The FBI looks to the Code of Federal Regulations definition:
"The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property
to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof,
in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Thank you,
Victor G. Jackson

on Jan 10, 2004
I was just perusing the index list and found your annnouncment. I am amazed no one has clicked on this before me. I will check out your link and see what this is all about. If you are serious, and want hits, go post it as new article again and it will show up for a second round of viewing. I'll check it out and get back to you if you are serious.
Just went to the click. You are bogus, and are merely trying to attract atention to the business site. So, don't bother to click on this link folks, it's bogus and leads to a site called 'claim-good.com' which does some form of business using the net.
on Jan 11, 2004
Wahkonta Anathema,

Sorry you can't ignore the .com business.
I can separate the Stop Terror information -- the facts remain.

There is absolutely no need to send me one cent ever.

If you are serious about stopping terror, ignore the .com, read the information.
Get in contact with me. No money is required -- ever.

NO BOGUS. Really.

Best regards,
Victor G. Jackson